Iron Sheepdog Helpdesk
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Help Articles
Understanding Iron Sheepdog
Broker- Welcome to the Iron Sheepdog Platform!
Haulers/Operators: What does it mean to be a Hauler in Iron Sheepdog?
Client Accounting: Introduction to the Iron Sheepdog App as a Client Accountant
Client Dispatcher: Introduction to Iron Sheepdog as a Client Dispatch
Client Weighmaster Role: Introduction to Iron Sheepdog as a Weighmaster
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Hauler Help Articles
Operator/Hauler: Getting started as an Operator on the Iron Sheepdog Platform
Location Settings: How Tracking and Location Settings Work in Iron Sheepdog
Motorola Android Settings
Android Samsung settings
What are my various duties as an Owner Operator in Iron Sheepdog?
View all 23
Broker Help Articles
How to get started on the Iron Sheepdog Platform
How do I set up my hired haulers under my company?
What is the difference between the "View as Broker" vs "View as Owner operator" toggles?
How do I create a job on the Iron Sheepdog Platform?
How do I create a Site and a GeoFence in Iron Sheepdog?
View all 18
Client Help Articles
How to get started on Iron Sheepdog. Accepting the invitation.
How to invite a user to your company?
How to invite a hauler/owner operator to your "Parking Lot"
Creating a Job: How to create a job in the Iron Sheepdog platform
How do I enter cost codes?
View all 13
How does Iron Sheepdog protect your data?
How does Checkbook protect your data?
Why is my cash out transaction still pending and unpaid?
How do I update my Bank Account?
How to install the hardwired GPS Tracker
View all 9
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