Welcome to the Iron Sheepdog platform! Not sure what role you or a colleague should be or have access to in the Iron Sheepdog platform? Here is an article to help you understand the role of "Client Dispatch" so that you and your company can utilize the platform as efficiently and affectively as possible!  

The Client Dispatcher is the individual that will dispatch out their internal trucks. They are also responsible for flagging, reviewing and proofing tasks prior to the 24-hour auto approval. *Note: the Client dispatch is the point of contact for their internal trucks*

Below are the features that the Client Dispatch has access to: 


The SPECIAL ATTENTION tab is specific to only Brokers and Dispatchers. The purpose of this tab is to take the Dispatch/Broker to the jobs that need attention immediately, instead of having to search for a job that has been denied/flagged. 

Above is the Jobs tab features for Client Dispatch. An important tool in the Jobs Tab is within the In progress Jobs: the ability to Remote Clock out, and edit task report. 

Below is the Proof Tasks tab features. Within each Client/company- the only role that has access to proof tasks, is the Client Dispatch. It is their responsibility to proof the tasks before the 24 hour auto-approval. 

The REPORTS tab, allows the dispatch to see each Jobs earnings.

Select a specific date range. And view each Jobs earnings and the earnings of each hauling company.

You can also view the Cost codes for each job by selecting the Cost Codes tab and selecting your date range.

The Garage tab allows you to see all of your trucks and add new trucks.

We hope that this article helps understand the different capabilities of the Client Dispatch Role!

Please review the "Broker Help Videos" to learn more in depth about some of the specific dispatch features. 

For assistance, please reach out to your Iron Sheepdog representative, or Broker, in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible. 

Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you! 

Customer Support: support@isheepdog.com