How to enter cost codes: 

You can enter a cost code while creating a job. 

To do this you would select the add a new button and fill out all the important information you need. Lastly,  scroll to the bottom of the job page and enter your cost code in the cost code box. 

You can also enter a cost code to a job even after the job has been created.

 To do this you would start in the jobs tab in the main menu. Next find the job you want to enter a cost for and select that job by clicking on the job name. Next select the edit button that is located above the Job name. Next scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the cost code box. Enter your cost code in this box.  Then select save.

If the job is in progress or if the job is in review you can follow these steps to enter a cost code. First select the jobs tab on the main menu. Once in the jobs page, find the job you would like to enter a cost code for. Now select the arrow to the left of the job title. This should allow you to see all the trucks that are working that job. Look for the cost code section to the right and under it you should see a + sign. You can select the + sign for each driver and enter a cost code.

For assistance, please reach out to your Iron Sheepdog representative, or Broker, in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible. 

Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you! 

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