Welcome to the Iron Sheepdog Platform!
To get started you will need to be invited by an Iron Sheepdog representative or a Broker. The invite will come through an email, and from here you will follow the steps needed to use Iron Sheepdog.
Password is a special password that needs to be 10 characters long, with at least one CAPITOL letter, one numb3r, and one $pecial character, for example a $ or ! example: Password1$
Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact us if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you!
For assistance, please reach out to your Iron Sheepdog representative in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible.
Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you!
Customer Support: support@isheepdog.com