Once the hauler has clocked out and submitted their task report, the Broker or Dispatcher can review the job before it is auto approved in the system. Please note that the owner operator cannot withdraw earningtill the task is auto or manually approved by the Broker, the Client, or the 24 hour system approval. (Jobs occurring on Fridays will not be approved till 1pm the following Monday in order to insure the information is correct on the Invoices) 

Proofing a Task- "The Proofing Bucket" 

Proofing is a feature that allows the Dispatch personnel or Broker to pre-approve the jobs before the automatic 24 hour system approval. 

Proofing a task is important to resolve any discrepancies or flags that may be on a task, as well as being able to look over a task before it is automatically approved in Iron Sheepdog 24 hours after the job has ended. Proofing a task is NOT approving the task. When proofing, you have the ability to Manually Deny or Approve the task if needed. 

What does Approving or Denying a task mean? 

Denying a task can be done once the hauler  has clocked out of the job and there is a discrepancy on the task. This is useful so that the system does not Auto Approve 24 hours after task completion. The Broker/Dispatch is able to resolve this task without worrying that it will be auto approved and attached to the invoice. 

Approving a task occurs automatically 24 hours after the hauler has submitted the task report. 

Manual Approval is available if needed, by selecting the APPROVE button on the top of the task report screen.  

  1. Manual approval is used for tasks that may have been put in deny and have since been adjusted and resolved. For example, this feature is also useful in cases where the hauler did not check in or out and the Broker/Dispatch discovered that the hauler did not work the job. This job may be locked, and approved for $0, in order to remove the job from the Dispute bucket. 

 What should the process of Proofing look like? 

1. Hauler/Operator submits task report 

2. Broker/Dispatch clears any flags/discrepancies that the task may have. 

        a. Broker/Dispatch may need to Deny the task in order to keep the task from being auto approved

        b. Hauler/Owner Operator/Client/Dispatch/Broker-  resolves the task 

                1. The system automatically puts the task back into the Proofing bucket

        d. The Broker/Dispatch proofs the task 

3.  24 hours after the task is submitted it is auto approved in the system (a task being submitted means that it is going to the Proofing "pending" bucket to be proofed)

4. Finished

Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact us if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you! 

Email: support@isheepdog.com