How does Iron Sheepdog round for hourly jobs? 

At Iron Sheepdog we believe in making things as simple as possible with the use of our technology. 

We round to the nearest quarter after the 7 minute mark per quarter hour. For example, of you clocked in at 12:00 PM and work till 3:53-4:07pm that is 4 hours. Within the time frame of 3:53-4:07 is 4 hours. Please see the layout below as an example with a start time of 12:00/noon:

For more assistance, please reach out to your Iron Sheepdog representative, or Broker, in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible. 

Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you! 

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