Where can I create a note on my task report while I am checking out and after I have already clocked out? 

*Please note that you are ALWAYS able to edit your task report after you have already sent it. 

If your task is LOCKED, you cannot input tickets or adjust your time, but you are always able to make notes. If your task is locked please contact your Dispatcher to unlock your report so that you can fix any problem you might have. 

*To help your Dispatchers understand what you are doing, it is important to write a note for them to be on the same page as you* 

How to add a note: 

  1. Find the job that you need to edit. Select EDIT TASK in the bottom right. 

b. Select the REQUEST ADJUSTMENTS tab- type your note

c. Select SEND REPORT- this will automatically save your note & redirect you to the home screen and will update your report for your dispatcher to see the notes that you have made. 

For assistance, please reach out to your Broker/Dispatch in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible. 

Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you! 

Customer Support: support@isheepdog.com