How to fix an issue with my job in the App:
*Please note that to withdraw your earnings for each task, your task will need to be APPROVED in order for those funds to be available. If you have a job IN DISPUTE, it is recommended that you fix the issue as soon as possible. *
- Remember that once you have resolved a task that is put in dispute, your Dispatch will be able to APPROVE your task in a timely manner.
- Once a task is APPROVED it is calculated into the Invoice total for the Client. It is important to note that INVOICES are sent to be paid every Monday for the previous weeks work. If the task is not approved before this time the task will stay IN DISPUTE until it is resolved.
- To be able to CASH OUT your earnings in a timely manner, it is highly suggested that you resolve the task as soon as possible.
- Owner Operators have the ability to Resolve one of their haulers tasks on the web based platform. To do so please follow these steps:
- Log into the platform on your laptop/computer
- Find the REPORTS TAB on your menu- select this tab
- Select the Current Invoice under the Correct client
- Scroll to find the NOT APPROVED section to view the IN REVIEW or IN DISPUTE tasks
- Select the BLUE ticket Icon on the right to be taken to the Task Report
- Select the PENCIL icon to be directed to the EDIT TASK REPORT screen.
- From here you will finish by doing what was asked for to resolved the issue on the task. Once finished select UPDATE REPORT, this will update the report and your Dispatch will review the job and allow for the Automatic Approval (24hrs) or Manually Approve the task.
For assistance, please reach out to your Broker/Dispatch in order for them to be notified of the issue and assist if possible.
Please continue to watch the help videos to better your experience on the platform. Feel free to contact Iron Sheepdog if you have any follow up questions or concerns. Thank you!
Customer Support: